It’s always deeply unsettling for an old man like me to
consider seriously when teenagers sing “You just do to me/what you do,” which
is what Selena Gomez does in her latest single, “Love You Like a Love Song.”
But there it is. That’s what she sings. Fortunately, the song as a whole is
mostly outwardly oriented, toward the object of her fascination, the person she
loves like a love song. Or at least it seems that way.
The song begins in resignation. There is nothing new that
can be said about love yet the singer must sing on if only so that the “melody”
of her loved one “will play on and on.” “No one compares” to him; he “stands
alone.” But even while he is the inspiration that generates the feeling, the
song is mostly about what he does for her. “You’ve saved my life”; “I’ve been
rescued”; “I’ve been set free”; “I am hypnotized”; the song keeps returning to
singer’s feelings. On the whole, the song is less about him than it is about her
emotions and what she wants to say about them to him. That explains why before
every chorus she sings to him “I want you to know, baby,” and why in line of
the chorus there are two “I” for every “you”: “I, I love you like a love song,
This is not a failure on the part of the song, nor is it an
indictment of how self-absorbed our age is—though it is certainly that. A
fantastically great song like The Cure’s Lovesong does something very similar
to Selena Gomez’ song. Over and over we hear about the singer’s emotions and
what the presence of his love one does for him. “You make me feel” is the
overwhelming refrain of that song. What these two songs and countless others
reveal is that we often lie to ourselves about love. Love is not about losing
ourselves in other people, about becoming selfless in our obsession with
someone else. If anything, love often makes us much more self-absorbed. We
spend hours thinking about what we feel, how we feel, and how unlike any other
or anyone else’s our feelings are. And, God forbid, if you think you are a
creative person (I count myself in this group), you then spend all kinds of
time trying to find the words to express to your loved one how they make you
feel. That is, you spend even more time being wrapped up in your own emotions.
Selena Gomez thus reminds us how insufferable love makes
people. How it makes them not care about anyone else but themselves and their
own sentiments. If you want music that is really about other people, it’s best
to turn to break up songs. You should start with Leonard Cohen’s “Hey, That’s No Way to Say Goodbye.”
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